🚨 Special edition: Women in Product Management & Tech (LIVE) / PM Snacks #42
This week, only one link to click to support & learn from inspiring women in product management. Highly recommended
1️⃣ Don't miss out: LIVE - Women in Product/Tech (FR)
23rd Jun 2021 • 60 min watch • #ethics #parity #live
In this event, many inspiring women working in leadership positions are going to share their experiences and their advice to break into product management roles in France. The live will take place tomorrow, 23rd Jun 2021, in French, at noon. Click here to register, support this initiative and learn from them.
A warm welcome to the 3 new subscribers, we are now 1573 readers strong!
Thank you for reading me, next week I'll come back with more content.
Have a great week!
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