PM Snacks #18 / 👑 Iterate like a king, better competition studies & writing well
Software iterations explained via a pop culture reference, meeting Shreyas, analyzing your competition, learning to write well & more
Last week I created a database of the first 15 editions of this newsletter, with powerful views, categorisation, and more. If you are interested 👉 you can download it here.
1️⃣ Product Management learnings with Shreyas Doshi • Jun 2020 • 45 min watch
Shreyas (a senior PM at Stripe) shares many high quality threads on product management (an absolute must read). Many of his favorites themes are in this talk: high agency individuals, importants skills to be a PM (execution sense + analytical sense + product sense), importance of dedicating 20% of your time learning your craft... I can't recommend it enough #mindset #beginner
2️⃣ How A Cult TV Series Helped Me Understand Product Development Cycles • Nov 2020 • 10 min read
A brilliant explanation of the power of iterations through a cultural metaphor: Kaamelot (for non french readers, it's big comedy around here). Rémi reminds us of some underrated attributes: 1/ build a vision then work backwards (or like Intercom would say: thing big, start small), 2/ don't fight the constraint, embrace it, 3/ ship a (useful) full product at each iteration based on the feedback (without forgetting to revisit what you already build = real iterations). Some more food on iterations #execution #mindset
3️⃣ Useless vs. Useful Competitive Analysis • Sept 2020 • 4 min read
We continue our journey into product discovery with competitive analysis. Some people say that you should focus on your customers only, but I disagree. Like stated in the article looking at your competition is useful for many reasons, especially to find problems you don't know about. But be sure to first ask yourself what could change based on the results. More in the article #discovery
4️⃣ Writing Well • Nov 2020 • xx min read
Writing is one of the skills that separates great individual contributors from good ones. Improving it will lead to better influence, but also clearer thinking thus more impact. As a Product Manager, I highly recommend you to work on it, starting with this handbook #communication
5️⃣ No More Boring Apps • Sept 2020 • 8 min read
A provocative essay directed at the industry, stating that all apps are looking alike because we all play the same game than big corporations like Apple & Google, slowly iterating for performance with no clear point of view anymore #design #art
Have a great week!
I'm Olivier Courtois, 10y+ in product, currently freelance, coach & advisor, former VP-Product comet & Product Director ManoMano. You are receiving this email because you signed up to productverse, a weekly newsletter about Product Management sent to 1100+ persons. Thank you for being here. If this email was forwarded to you, subscribe here
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